Heres what i thought of the ULTRA AMAZING SUPER MOVIE EPIC.
It was amazing, the plotline was also awesome. Even though it was extremely complicated. The graphical effects and the 3d effects included were amazing, especially when manhatten explodes people... DAM!
Rorscach. AWESOME. By far my favourite person in the whole movie. He has a constant sense of right and wrong, and detests lieing. If someone lies, their fingers break, if he lies he gets exploded by manhatten. Whoops SPOILER
I <3'ed all other characters but rorschach was the bestest. Even though it was pretty cool how the owl dude was doing that other person in his flying owl... Lol.
If you havnt watched it, WATCH IT! If you have watched it, and say didnt like it.. Then i think you need a good hearty slap in the face.
Below is the legend himself. With hat n all